Top 10 Sites for Online Tutoring and Teaching
Over the last few years, online tutoring sites have really gained popularity. The reason is that people just don't have the time or the money to spend at an actual tutoring center. Online tutoring is an ideal solution as it can be done at home, on a computer or mobile device, and is usually a much cheaper alternative. Also, online tutoring or teaching is a nice way for educators to earn some extra money doing what they love to from the comfort of their own home and setting their own schedule. Plus, students love the ability to view and choose courses that work for them.
1.WizIQ - Probably one of the most popular online sites for teaching/tutoring. There are different pricing plans available for students who take classes in a private virtual classroom.
2.Much Enough - A wonderful site for educators to teach any subject online (via webcam) and charge what they want. Also, they create their schedule and have the ability to promote their classes too.
3.Learningfy - A great place for one on one tutoring via a webcam that starts out with a $5 trial to assess the teacher and student.
4.Buddy School - A excellent site for tutoring online with the ability to promote your classes and increase your teacher score (rating by students).
5.Tutor Hub - A community where students can find answer to their questions or find an online tutor who sets their own rates.
6.Live Mind - A nice place to teach online where a educators sets their own rate and schedule. Live Mind has a user-friendly interface and handles all the incidentals (billing, payment, customr support, etc.).
7.Sophia - A new site with a very innovative, polished look where educators can share what they know about different teaching strategies (ie, blended instruction, flipped classroom).
8.Happy Tutors - A free place where tutors and students can go to find what they're looking for. Also, tutors can pay a fee for extra exposure on Happy Tutors. - One of the best and most popular places to go for online tutoring. Students can not only get help with any subject but homework as well. There are useful mobility features as well.
10.Tutor Vista - A very popular site where students work in a one-on-one secure environment on an interactive whiteboard.
David Kapuler is an educational consultant with more than 10 years of experience working in the K-12 environment.
For more information about his work, contact him atdkapuler@gmail.comand read his blog